

The United Nations Historical Security Council is an organ of the United Nations Organization with 15 members, 10 non-permanent and 5 permanent (People’s Republic of China, the United States of America, the French Republic, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). The primary function of the Security Council is to ensure international peace and security, always aligned with the purposes and principles of the organization itself. It must investigate any situation that may disturb international stability, determining the existence or non-existence of such a threat.


Yom Kippur War (1973)




Colégio Santo Inácio (Rio de Janeiro/RJ)
  • Laura Baptista
  • Rebeca Sanson
  • Tito Notaroberto


  • Republic of Indonesia: Amanda Viana de Almeida
  • Commonwealth of Australia: Ana Beatriz Schmidt Lunardelli
  • French Republic: Carolina Barbieri De Matos Val
  • United States of America: Daniel Spinosa Kestering
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Dimitri Garcia
  • Dominion of Canada: Eloá Porto Leite
  • Republic of India: Fábio Lobato Carvalho de Souza
  • Arab Republic of Egypt: Francisco Lopes De Figueiredo
  • Republic of Cuba: Isadora de Almeida Lopes
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Letícia Pan Thompson Bandeira
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Lucas Pereira D'Addazio
  • Syrian Arab Republic: Maria Clara Dal'Vesco Nery
  • Kingdom of Morocco: Maria Clara Otto Cordeiro
  • State of Israel: Maria Flor Sampaio
  • Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia: Murillo Fernandes Rocha Guimarães
  • Federal Republic of Germany: Pedro Henrique Baracho Porto
  • Republic of Iraq: Pedro Henrique da Silva e Silva Bueno
  • Republic of Austria: Pedro Henrique Ferraro Cristal
  • Republic of Sudan: Thiago Battistella Lima
  • People's Republic of China: Nalim Freire Faxina
  • Republic of Guinea: Giovana Modernell da Silva
  • Republic of Kenya: Júlia Joca de Mendonça